Get A Raise Or Work From Home? We Asked People In Malta To Choose

Would you rather get a raise or be allowed to work from home? In Keepmeposted’s recent survey on salary raises, we asked this question and discovered that the overwhelming majority (73%) of workers in Malta aged 18-75 would choose a pay raise over the opportunity to work from home. The result seems to contradict other…


It’s Official: Most People Who Ask For A Raise In Malta Get One

Getting a raise might not be as difficult as some believe. Turns out the main thing you need to do is get the confidence to actually demand one. According to Keepmeposted’s recent survey about salary raises, two-thirds of workers in Malta who asked for a raise were successful, even if they weren’t all happy with…


Designing A Successful Job Search Plan

Searching for a job can be a full-time effort in itself, that’s why planning your time and managing your process is necessary. Job hunting can be a stress-inducing endeavour, so strategically planning it will save you a lot of hassle and unnecessary pain. Determining what you want out of this job search and working towards…


Choosing a Job Offer: Tips for Making the Best Choice

Job offers may come at a time in your job-hunting process when you may be in the enviable position of having to pick between two or three job offers. We understand that the task of choosing the right one can be daunting. You may need to choose quickly, as offers are often time-constrained but it…


Reducing stress at the workplace

Workplace stress has a psychological, as well as physical impact on your employees. Whilst feeling under pressure at times is normal, it can become excessive and work-related stress. This can quickly become one of the most daunting obstacles. One must keep in mind that different people have different ways of dealing with stress, as well…


How to score the best summer jobs

A summer job is not only a way to get extra income, but it also boosts your CV, expands your skill set and may even enlighten you on the career path you want to take (or avoid...). The best summer jobs will teach you teamwork, provide you with professional experience within a workplace and how…


7 benefits of allowing employees a flexible schedule

The flexible schedule is one of the most in-demand benefits for employees. The best part is – it can be just as beneficial for employers. Many may associate a flexible schedule with remote work, but that doesn’t have to be the only configuration. In this article we will be looking into the benefits of adopting…


The KMP Guide to Finding your First Job

The job search can be intimidating – and where should you start? At KMP we’ve got you covered with some tips for finding your first job once your studies are done and dusted. Firstly, congratulations on getting your grades! A world of possibility awaits and it's time to find the path for you. Remember that…


5 Ways to Impress at your First Job

First of all - congratulations on finding a job you dig. Starting a new job is an exciting time! Finding your first full time job after school can be an overwhelming time so you need all the help you can get to arm yourself with the right mindset and attitude and get ready to impress.…


Resume Trends for 2022

Skills should be your number one priority With rapid and constant technological changes, the recruitment market is constantly looking for candidates with an up-to-date skillset. Being able to demonstrate your skills effectively in your resume will definitely give you an edge over other potential candidates. It may very well be the tipping point. When we…


8 Ways AMSM Value Their Employees

What are the things you look for when considering the next step in your career? Whether this is competitive remuneration, additional perks, flexibility, or opportunities for growth, AMSM has something for you. AMSM operates in the marketing, sales, and distribution of over 150 brands of food and allied grocery products. They employ over 450 staff…


The Evolution of the Office

The office has recently seen an overhaul with new modes of working which have led us to abandon the office as we know it. This is not the only change the office has undergone. Let’s look at the evolution of the office through the ages. The origins of the office Based on the Latin term…


Virtual meetings: the pros and cons

The obvious exigencies of the past two years have led us to a sudden shift to virtual meetings. As organisations, communities and groups avoided physical encounters, meetings underwent a revolution, a paradigm shift. Many were pleased to be rid of the unnecessary meetings and commutes “that could have easily been an email.” However, one shouldn’t…


Women in the Workforce

This week, in honour of Women’s Day, we are highlighting some points related to the place of women in the workforce. The findings are taken from Keepmeposted's recently published report ‘The Evolution of Employment in Malta’ - an in-depth analysis of the last ten years of employment in Malta, and how it has changed in…


The Evolution of Employment in Malta

To mark its 10th year as a systemic player in the recruitment economy, Keepmeposted has produced its first comprehensive report on employment in Malta. This detailed and exhaustive analysis explores the evolution of employment in Malta over the past 10 years, the changes and how it is likely to develop going forward. The global pandemic,…


Working Trends in 2022

What working trends is the world facing in 2022? 2021 has seen what is being dubbed as The Great Re-evaluation, or Resignation, which has seen companies responding in a variety of ways. Companies have also had to re-evaluate their working arrangements and you’ve also probably heard murmurs of the possibility and feasibility of the four-day…


Live to Work, or Work to Live? Balancing Work and Life.

Achieving the right work-life balance can often be seen as a myth. Balancing the professional with the personal can definitely be a challenging feat. It does not help that society constantly feeds us the ‘busy’ bug that praises productivity above all else. Fortunately, we are realising the importance of a work-life balance. A balance which…


The Perks of Working Over Christmas

You might not be as excited that the season of merriment and abundance of food is here if you’re working over Christmas – but there are a few upsides which may make you change your mind. The commute is a breeze If there’s one good thing about having to drive to the office near Christmas…


The benefits of working with an NGO like Inspire

A career with purpose Several studies have concluded that if we feel that our work is valued, if we feel inspired by the work we do and if we feel that we are contributing to something that matters, chances are that we will achieve job satisfaction. Working for an NGO like Inspire ticks all these…


What makes a good leader?

It is often said that, in many cases, people don't leave a job, they leave a boss. This in itself highlights the huge responsibility that comes along with being the leader of an organisation or team. Some might think that becoming a leader or manager is the end game, where all the hard work they've…


4 Significant Ways to Support Pink October at Work

Pink October - many of us wear the pink t-shirt, bake the pink cupcake... but how many of us truly stop to think what that pink ribbon really means? That pretty, pink ribbon symbolises a reality much darker than its colour. It's a symbol of loss and victory, of hardship and bravery, of grief and…