Beyond the Perks: Figuring out Company Culture at Interview Stage

Company culture, the invisible force that shapes an organisation's soul, is often overshadowed by flashy perks and benefits. You may think it’s tough to figure out company culture at interview stage, and perks listed in the job description (if listed) offer little insight into the true essence of a workplace. Sometimes, they can be more…


Don’t Just Talk the Talk: Prove Your Company Culture Is the Real Deal

Let's be honest, "great company culture" is one of the most overused (and sometimes misleading!) phrases in the corporate world. It's time to ditch the vague promises and prove that your company's focus on its people is more than just lip service. Let's explore how to showcase your culture in a way that resonates with…


Analysis Paralysis: When Overthinking Sabotages Your Work

If you've ever found yourself staring at a blank screen, drowning in a sea of research, or endlessly debating the pros and cons of different approaches, you're not alone. This can happen in your personal life and at your place of work, when a project deadline is looming and you still haven’t started. Analysis paralysis…


Tech for Good: Apps and Tools to Support Sustainable Work Habits

Nowadays, it's really not just about getting things done – it's about doing them in a way that's both productive and mindful of our resources. AI is emerging as a powerful force for sustainable optimisation across various industries. Here's how AI and tech, in general, can help you make smarter choices for your workflow and…


Conquering Distractions: Staying Mindful in a Noisy World

In our always-connected, fast-paced world, finding focus amidst the chaos can feel like a superhuman feat. Emails, instant messages, notifications, open office chatter – modern workplaces provide an endless stream of potential distractions. Yet, maintaining focus is crucial for productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. So, how do we train our brains to stay on…


The Power of ‘No’: How Prioritisation Fuels Sustainable Productivity

Many may feel the constant societal pressure to constantly achieve more, faster, leaving many of us with the feeling of running on a never-ending treadmill.  We say 'yes' to every project, and take on every extra task – sometimes out of fear of seeming mediocre, or “lacking initiative” if we choose to say ‘no’. This…


From Me to We: Fostering Collaboration in a Diverse Team

Today's business landscape is fast-moving and we recognise that its difficult to keep up with every facet of leadership, sustaining a diverse team is one of them- but this also means that fostering a collaborative team spirit is more important than ever. When you bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds, ages, cultures, and genders, you…


Demystifying Performance Reviews: What to Expect

Performance reviews – those scheduled chats with your manager about your job performance. Whether you're new to the workforce or a seasoned veteran, they can be a bit nerve-wracking. It's natural to wonder how you're doing and whether the feedback will ultimately be positive or leave you feeling a little apprehensive. Let's break down performance…


On Women’s Day: Gendered Language in the Workplace

In the realm of leadership, the words we choose hold immense power.  Unfortunately, the vocabulary used to describe women in positions of authority often differs starkly from that used for their male counterparts. This is not just a thought, gendered language in the workplace is very much alive and kicking. This subtle but pervasive form…


Should You Follow-Up? Your Guide to Post-Application Etiquette

You've spent serious time tweaking your CV, crafting that cover letter, and finally hitting "submit" on your job application. Now what? Do you wait patiently, or is there more you should do? That's where the delicate dance of the follow-up comes in. The Benefits of the Follow-Up A well-timed follow-up can serve several purposes: Reminds…


Building a More Inclusive Workplace

March 1st marks Zero Discrimination Day, a global reminder that every person deserves to be treated with equality, respect, and dignity. This message holds special relevance for us as a job board committed to connecting Maltese job seekers with companies where they can feel valued and reach their full potential. True inclusivity isn't just a…


Unplug from Work: Leaving Work at Work

In today's fast-paced world, the lines between work and personal life can often blur. With smartphones in our pockets and emails pinging at all hours, it's easy to feel constantly connected to the office. While dedication is admirable, knowing your boundaries is a more attractive quality. It's crucial to find ways to disconnect. Achieving that…


The Underrated Soft Skills Successful People Have

When it comes to talk about career success, much attention is often given to technical expertise, academic qualifications, and job-specific competencies. While these aspects are undoubtedly important, soft skills are equally crucial yet frequently overlooked. These underrated soft skills are what one may call the secret sauce that empowers individuals to excel in their professional…


Career Crossroads: Your Path to Professional Fulfillment

What is Professional Happiness? The pursuit of professional fulfilment is a complex journey that intertwines personal ambitions, aspirations, and values. It’s a tapestry, intricately woven with diverse threads that define success uniquely for each individual when facing career crossroads. Navigating the Complex Terrain Career crossroads are not merely a signpost; they are a symphony of…


Reveal Your Inner Leader: How Coaching Can Help

Leadership isn’t always about being in the limelight; sometimes, it’s all about finding your voice amidst the shadows. Meet Rachel (fictional name) who, much like many of us, faced an uphill battle in her journey toward finding her inner leader. Shackled by self-doubt and a lack of empowerment from her direct superior, she grappled with…


Find your way to a better YOU, through coaching.

You may be feeling stuck and are at a point where you realise you need to find your way to a better you. Let me just tell you this: you are not alone. As a coach I have met several people that are in the same position as you. You have become accustomed to the…


Job Searching? Here’s What You Need to Do.

You’re embarking on a job search and it can be an exciting but challenging time, especially if its your first time or you’ve been within the same company for a long time. In this blog post, we'll explore the key steps to job searching succesfully, from optimising your Keepmeposted and Linkedin profile, and crafting your…


The KMP Guide to Excel in Interviews in 2024

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but you can increase your chances of success with the right preparation and mindset. Whether you're a recent graduate entering the job market or a seasoned professional looking to make a switch, mastering the art of interviews is essential. This article presents a practical guide to help you perform well in…


New Year, New Skills: Tips for Career Growth in 2024

As we usher in the new year, the shifting dynamics of the workforce become evident, marked by the implementation of new procedures, promotions, and general organisational restructures. For some, these changes bring cause for celebration, while others may find themselves grappling with uncertainties and feeling disarmed by the alterations. The dawn of a new year…


The Public Holidays in Malta for 2024

2023 is nearing its end and that means it's time to gear up to a brand new year. One practical way to prep for the upcoming year is by checking out the public holidays in Malta for 2024 in advance to plan your time off wisely. Let's get planning! Here's a quick rundown of the…


Cultivating Empathy at the Workplace during the Festive Season

The festive season brings with it a unique set of emotions, both joyful and challenging, and as we navigate these moments, the power of empathy in the workplace becomes even more profound. As the festive season unfolds, workplaces transform into spaces of celebration, yet for many professionals, this season brings an all-encompassing pressure that extends…