Wellbeing at Work: 5 habits that help

As we spend most of our time at work, it is essential to care for our mental wellbeing in the workplace. Taking small steps to take care of your mental health can make a significant difference in how you feel and perform at work. Here are five daily habits that help. 1. Take breaks regularly…


Workplace Stress & Anxiety: Building Resilience

Workplace stress and anxiety have become increasingly common, affecting employees worldwide. Gallup’s 2022 State of the Global Workplace report reveals that 80% of the global workforce experienced increased stress, 65% reported feeling sad, and 58% experienced anxiety in 2021 – an all-time high. How can one get a handle on this? Building resilience can help…


Workplace Wellness Books: Our Picks

With growing interest and emphasis on workplace wellness and mental health in recent years, there are now many wonderful books to read on the subject. Here are KMP's top 10: The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor This book provides evidence-based insights into the benefits of positive psychology and its role in increasing productivity and improving…


Breaking the Stigma: Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental health can still be a taboo subject anywhere you are, but more so at a place of work. Unfortunately, this makes being honest about mental health quite difficult, due to the discrimination and stigma surrounding it. This stigma can prevent employees from speaking up about their mental health challenges, which can have serious consequences…


The Pervasive Culture of ‘Busyness’

Ask anyone you know how they're doing and chances are they're going to respond with something along the lines of "quite busy". You can also ask anyone if they have a minute to spare... and they'll probably respond with a "Not really". We won't see it as rude or abrasive, instead, we see it as…


Gen Z at the Workplace – 5 takeaways

Gen Z, usually defined as those born between 1997 and 2012, is the youngest generation to enter the workforce. As digital natives and socially conscious individuals, they have a lot to teach us about the future of work. As a fresh, newcomer to the work scene, Gen Z can bring a lot to the table,…


Organisational Culture: 6 TED Talks to Watch

Why is Organisational Culture important, and what is it exactly? Here’s the KMP list of TED Talks that explore this very vast topic: How to Build a Company Where the Best Ideas Win by Ray Dalio In this TED Talk, Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, shares his approach to building an environment of radical…


Organisational Culture: How to Assess & Improve

Organisational culture is the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that characterize an organisation. Strong and positive company culture can lead to higher employee engagement, better productivity, and improved company performance. However, assessing and improving your company's organisational culture can be daunting, to say the least. In this blog post, we'll discuss some tips and…


On Addressing Poor Work Performance

There comes a time in your role as manager or leader when you might be required to address a situation of poor work performance. The conversation is not one you're looking forward to... probably. We get it, it's uncomfortable, but you know the situation must be handled. Here's what to keep in mind. Recognise that…


On Team Coaching and Performance

Effective team performance is crucial for any organization's success. When teams work well together, they can achieve more than any individual could alone. However, building a high-performing team takes time and effort, and it requires the right leadership skills and coaching approach. In this article, we will explore the benefits of team coaching in the…


How to Easily Improve Your Performance at Work

Improving your performance at work doesn't have to be an intimidating endeavour. By implementing some straightforward steps you can increase your productivity and efficiency without burning yourself out. In this article, we've outlined some tips for easily improving your performance at work: 1. Set achievable goals One of the easiest ways to improve your performance…


Preparing for the EU Pay Transparency Directive

The EU Pay Transparency Directive, which is set to come into force in 2024, will require companies to take measures to ensure that employees receive equal pay for equal work. The directive aims to address the gender pay gap by introducing greater transparency in pay structures and providing employees with the right to access information…


The Why and How of Performance Reviews

No one loves performance reviews. In essence, a good performance review should aim to deliver a fair and actionable assessment to an employee. It is also two-way. They should also provide both the manager and the employee with crucial feedback. The reality is that that’s rarely the result. They’re disliked by employees and employers alike.…


Write your piece for KMP

Keepmeposted.com.mt is not just a job board. With more than a decade under its belt, Keepmeposted is the leading vacancy website in Malta and a resource for job hunters and employers alike. It is also a community of individuals who are in the job-hunting process. Whether they're looking for better (or different) opportunities, an HR…


Internal Communication is Everyone’s Job

It’s no secret that a solid internal communications strategy is the bedrock of successful, high-achieving teams. It is worth noting, however, that effective internal communication doesn’t only come from the leaders, or from internal communication strategists. Internal communication is more fundamental than that. In fact, it should be everyone’s job. A lot of what we…


6 Books on Communicating Effectively

Anyone can communicate in some way or other, but communicating effectively is an art that requires practice. Within organisations, clear communication is a tenet of effective leadership, and lacking this skill will affect your career growth. Fortunately, in this day and age, there are a number of resources that will help you enhance your communication…


On Structuring Better Meetings

Often enough, one might feel like their meetings don’t have anything to do with their role’s mandate. You feel like you’re wasting time because the agenda isn’t quite clear. Once the meeting ends, you feel like nothing was clearly decided and you feel like you’ve wasted a whole hour (possibly more). How can one structure…


Internal Workplace Apps: Our Picks

Internal workplace communication has quickly become almost entirely digitised. Since the internal memorandum (memo), the face of internal communications has changed radically. In order to stay competitive, companies must embrace the power of communication apps to effectively manage internal and external business relationships, among colleagues, and clients. Moreover, with the rise of the gig economy, it…


What is the new Pay Transparency Directive?

You might have heard about the EU Pay Transparency Directive, which comes into force in 2024. Lack of pay transparency was identified as a key obstacle in implementing equal pay for all across the EU. This Directive aims to rectify this and was proposed back in March 2021. More than a year later on December…


Networking for Introverts

As an introvert, you may feel like networking isn't for you. You might have given up on it, or you brave it out, putting the "confident" face on and likely burning out by the end of a social event. The reality is that introverts recharge differently. It's not that they're shy, or that they hate…


6 Networking TED Talks to Watch

Networking is a required social skill for career success, but it may not come as naturally for everyone. Here are a few TED Talks that provide some helpful networking tips, whether you're just starting out in the job market or a veteran in your industry. 10 ways to have a better conversation by Celeste Headlee…