Offices of the future: Healthy & Safe

As the novelty of #wfh (working from home) wears off, and life seems to be going toward a more positive, "normal" direction, companies are preparing their employees to get back to work; but what are they doing to prepare their offices and buildings for re-population?   Making sure your office is "healthy" ensures your employees…


Popular COVID-19 Myths: Debunked!

This article is part of our ‘Covid-19 & the Job Market’ resource pack. View more here. Fake news is the order of the day. Make sure you fact check anything you hear. If you heard from someone who heard it from someone else who knows someone who might know something - chances are it's untrue. If…


Stopping uncertainty from stopping you

When you're uncertain of what the (near) future will hold it can stop you from functioning effectively and being productive. The "when will this end?" is the question at the top of everyone's mind. Not knowing what lies ahead often causes anxiety and tends to turn even the best of us into unproductive zombies. Moreover,…


Managing yourself in a crisis

This article is part of our ‘Covid-19 & the Job Market’ resource pack. View more here. It happens to the best of us. Although we plan and plan it's not easy to keep yourself motivated at a time like this. An unprecedented global crisis as the one we are witnessing has brought about an array of…


Covid-19: How to avoid burnout

Living amidst a pandemic means not taking the usual comforts for granted. It also means having to deal with a constant bombardment of negative news stories, calls to pick up a new hobby or learn a new skill, improve your language skills, not to fall back and keep up and to get stuff done anyway.…


Positivity in times of crisis

This article is part of our ‘Covid-19 & the Job Market’ resource pack. View more here. In dire times, when uncertainty is a given, it's easy to fall into the trap of negativity especially when we are constantly being bombarded with unpleasant news. However, it is essential to practise not just staying physically healthy but also…


Adapting your strategy: Remote hiring

This article is part of our ‘Covid-19 & the Job Market’ resource pack. View more here. What we know for sure, is that nothing is certain in these times. COVID-19 has left its mark in the job market and companies are facing unprecedented sudden changes. Another side to this is recruitment. Many companies still need to…


Covid-19: What you should know

This article is part of our ‘Covid-19 & the Job Market’ resource pack. View more here. Please note that the information provided below is relevant for residents of Malta and Gozo. There are a number of government helplines which should help with questions you may have in these uncertain times. We advise you to use these…


Covid-19: Changes in the job market

It is without a doubt that no one perceived this. The sudden onslaught of this global crisis compelled businesses to make quick decisions to safeguard the health of their businesses and employees, while also attempting to navigate this unknown territory. This brought about major changes to the job market as we know it: some laying…


5 Tips for Mind-Mapping for SMEs

Mind-mapping is a way of presenting ideas visually in order to clear the brain, boost productivity, and help clarify conversations about that piece of work you just can’t get your brain around. Mind-mapping techniques can help put things in a different light so that you’re not left spinning your wheels while you wait for inspiration…


Streamlining Applications to Find the Ideal Recruit

As the end of year approaches, employers set out to hire long-term, full-time employees to kick off the new year on a strong footing. The average job listing attracts an average of 35 applicants in Malta and therefore, it is important to have a solid plan in place to streamline applications and pick the best…


What Makes a Great Leader in 2018?

Millennials have joined the workforce with a completely different mindset to the generations before them. They are often looked at negatively, being called 'entitled', 'spoilt' and the ‘me me me’ generation. This is not new; older generations have always looked at the generation after them as worse off than they were. Regardless of your opinion…


How to Avoid Recruiting the Wrong Person

Let's begin by considering the costs involved An employee resignation heralds a decrease in productivity. Between the employee's personal feelings - if they are unhappy at work, they won't be fully productive - and their resignation period, work tends to get pushed to the wayside as no new projects can be started. Add the manager's…


When is it the Right Time to Promote Employees?

Who, When and Why? The rise of 'job hopping' means that a promotion at the right time could avoid you having to put out a 'Help Wanted' ad if you desperately want to keep your employee. When employees feel they have given their all, and are not progressing, it is increasingly likely, in today's business…


Writing a Job Description

A job description is a snapshot of your company culture, and might make the difference between a wide pool of applicants or candidate radio-silence. Applying for job interviews is already a stressful experience for many applicants because most of them will have doubts about whether or not they'll fit into the company. A succinct and friendly…


How to Bring your A-Game to Work

In an ideal world, we would bring our ‘A-Game’ to work 100% of the time. We would be motivated, efficient, energised and engaged every day, all day. However, although we can aim for that daily, and work extremely hard to perform at our best most of the time, there are days where it is just…