It’s all about that Sunday evening feeling. Work is work – that much is true, but if the feeling of facing another day in the same job is one of dread and trepidation, this is perhaps the most clear indicator that it’s time to move on.

Having said that, it may also be about giving yourself some time – and you’re simply feeling burnt out and need some respite. Changing jobs also comes with its own baggage of stress and anxiety. That means it’s never an easy decision. Chances are that if you’re reading this article, you’ve thought about it. What else should you consider? What other feelings or circumstances can indicate it’s time to move on?

Job Seeking - wtYou don’t find it exciting anymore

If you look back at your early weeks on the job, you probably felt inspired, excited at what can be done and had clear goals that you wanted to accomplish on the job. Oftentimes, this excitement evaporates due to lack of being challenged or a feeling of ‘more of the same’. In this case, you may want to talk to your manager or supervisor and discuss taking on more responsibilities before choosing to move on. If the feeling keeps happening every so often, it’s probably time to start your job hunt.

Is your job in line with your professional aspirations?

Do you feel like your career goals have taken a back seat? It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day and forget about your career path. Do you feel like the next step for you is within the same company? It’s worth asking these questions to evaluate whether staying on is the right career choice for you, or, perhaps, if it’s time to reach out to that company you’ve always dreamt of working for.

Is it affecting your mental health?

It’s easy to look past our mental health, but keep in mind that we spend most hours of our day on the job and if your job is not making you happy or giving you a sense of fulfilment – your mental health will naturally take a hit.

Room for growth

Perhaps connected to our second point here – it’s worth evaluating whether or not you feel there is room for career advancement. Perhaps you knew about this before you took on your job, or circumstances changed. Your own goals may have changed too. Think about your path within the company and if career advancement within it is something you look forward to. There may well be room for growth – but if it is not inline with your goals and aspirations it is not worth your while.

No work-life balance

Everyone talks about career advancement like it’s the be all and end all. However, think about what you want- perhaps you want to take on less responsibility and focus on your family. You may also find yourself constantly thinking about work and it’s affecting your relationship with your loved ones. Balance is always key, but it can be tricky to achieve. If you find yourself having to look at your phone for emails at 9pm – perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate.

Lack of job satisfaction

This may come from within or you may feel underappreciated on the job. You feel like your efforts go unnoticed or that it’s never enough. Do you feel listened to at work? Do you feel like your frustrations are heard or are they ignored? This can cause overall job dissatisfaction and you will soon feel like ‘there is no point’. Try speaking to your manager about this but if you feel like there is no point and no change – perhaps it’s time to throw in the towel.

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